Dräger Savina® 300 Select

Dräger Savina® 300 Select
The Dräger Savina® 300 Select (in this configuration) combines the independence and power of a turbine-driven ventilation system with sophisticated ventilation modes. It’s broad variety of features and accessories supports a patient range from babies* to adults. The large colour touch screen and intuitive operating system that concentrates on established high class features make configuration and operation very simple.
- Intuitive for simple operation and quick configuration
- Dräger-wide standardised user interface provides confidence in use and reduces training time
- Safe and fast initial start of ventilation thanks to pre-set start configuration based on patient height or patient category
- Safe and fast initial start of ventilation thanks to QuickStart-up function
- Rapid alarm handling for a quick response to patient alarm situations
- Smooth and sealed surfaces for easy cleaning and disinfection
High ventilation performance
- Sophisticated ventilation modes for critically ill patients (e.g. PC-APRV, VC-MMV)
- Enhanced trigger detection and precise ventilation setting allow the ventilation of babies starting from 5 kg bodyweight
- Automatic Tube Compensation ATC® reduces the work of breathing for intubated patients with spontaneous breathing*1
- Stress-free spontaneous breathing with excellent trigger response time thanks to the turbine
- Free breathing with AutoFlow in volume constant ventilation at a minimum pressure level
- Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) available in all modes with a very quick response times to patient efforts
- No device change needed in case of altered ventilation therapy: O2-therapy allows oxygen application with constant flow
- 1Extended graphic capabilities with loops, trends and logbook
1 Respiratory comfort of automatic tube compensation and inspiratory pressure support in conscious humans Guttmann, J. et al, Intensive Care Medicine 1997, Vol. 23, No.11, 1119-1124
Independent from gas and power supply
- Built-in-turbine with rapid response time and continuous high flow delivery of up to 250 L/min
- Five hours of independent ventilation due to built-in and external batteries
- Transport Supply Unit (TSU) can be quickly attached for ergonomic handling of gas cylinders
- Bed coupling for quick connection between ventilator and patient bed
- Low Pressure Oxygen (LPO) inlet for ventilation without central gas supply